Sunday Worship
Join us at 9:15
Our services run from 9:15 am until approximately 10:30 am. We meet at 22 Ormond Street in Worcester.
Children are always welcome at Grace! We are an intergenerational and cross-cultural church. Some families keep their kids in the service while others use our childcare and children’s lesson time. If you have any questions, please ask.
Come by foot, bus, or car
Grace is a five minute walk from WPI’s campus and is accessible on WRTA Route 3 on weekdays. For those driving, there is a small parking lot on the north side of the church, but the primary parking area is in school parking lot for Elm Park Community School adjacent to the church.
There will be someone to greet you at the entrance who will hand you a printed outline of that Sunday’s service so you know what to expect. The greeter can help you find a seat, direct you to the location of children’s activities, and answer other questions.
You’ll see some in their Sunday best and others in jeans, or shorts, depending on the season. Please dress as you feel most comfortable.
Our service regularly contains readings, prayers, music, singing, a sermon, an offering, and a celebration of the Lord’s Supper (eucharist).
From Sunday to Sunday our worship reflects our belief that God has been working in the past and we stand on the shoulders of many, as well as our belief that God is at work today. So some of our music will showcase its age and other songs will feel young. Like our music, the preaching similarly connects an ancient faith to our rapidly changing world. You can listen to sermons here.
During our worship service, we take up an offering as an expression of our gratitude to God and our faith that he will care for us. As Christians, we are committed to living generously and pursuing freedom from envy and greed. If you are visiting, please feel no obligation to contribute.
Our regular services run about an hour and fifteen minutes. While an hour plus may sound long, it goes quickly and some things simply take time. We strive to be sensitive to the busy and scattered lives most of us lead, so if you’re running late, please still join us.