Rev. Jarrett Allebach and his wife Hillary came to New England in 2007 and to Worcester in 2013 as God led them on the path to begin Grace. Jarrett and Hillary both come from the northeast, but met in St. Louis at seminary (graduate school). When not hanging out with his best friend (Hillary) and their kids, Jarrett enjoys rock climbing, reading, snow boarding, the arts, hospitality, and developing meaningful friendships. Pastor Jarrett has been an assistant pastor, youth worker, ministry leader in a national park, substitute teacher, laid off, unemployed, an apprentice with a master gardener, as well as a rock climbing instructor. Through this and much more, Jarrett has seen God’s loving hand direct his path, turning even sorrow and disappointment to good. Jarrett finds it an incredible privilege to serve Jesus Christ and his church and is deeply grateful for his role at Grace and the opportunity to be part of what God is doing in Worcester.
Contact Pastor Jarrett: jarrett@graceworcester.org
Marco and Eliane joined Grace Pres. in the beginning of 2015 and soon became members. Both natives of Brazil, he and his wife came to the U.S. in 1994. They have raised two daughters, Bianca and Gabriella, and in 2016, they were blessed with a granddaughter. Marco comes from an orthodox background, the Presbyterian Church in Brazil, a traditional and historical denomination that shares its’ root in Presbyterianism in the U.S.
He has been actively involved with two separate church plants, one being Grace Pres., and both are still active, growing, and serving their local community. Marco has served Grace Pres. as a pastoral assistant for three years. He began his eldership training in the beginning of 2021, and became an elder in 2022. He is currently serving as ruling elder at Grace Pres. He serves with his gifts in ministry as well as leadership development. He is passionate about the church and its’ service as well as planting churches. He is a firm believer of accountability and spiritual development.
Marco obtained Leadership Training through Bethel Seminary, a degree in Liberal Arts & Biblical Studies through Liberty University, and subsequently intends to attend seminary in the fall of 2024. His favorite verses in the Bible are Micah 6:8 and Matthew 9:37 which encompass his ministerial vision to serve one another, equip one another, love one another, and love God above all things. Marco loves to teach, to fellowship, and to council. He is looking forward to continuing this journey with Grace Presbyterian Church Worcester in the years to come.
God is good!
Grace is equipped with an active team of leaders who give of themselves to serve Christ and his cause. Our work of prayer, outreach, teaching, practical care, worship, hospitality, and discipleship could not go forward without these leaders. Our church is not built on a personality or our pastor, but on our shared commitment to Jesus Christ and his message of grace. Our leaders represent the different backgrounds and stories of Worcester, enabling us to reach a diverse city, and challenges each of us to lay aside our preferences in service to Christ and each other.