…At Grace.
From the beginning, Jesus taught his followers to serve. As our lives are renewed by His life, we give of ourselves to others - on Sundays and day by day; serving on a ministry team or informally as we share our lives. One of the best ways to grow in faith and connect with God's people is by serving together. As a newer church, there are many opportunities to meaningfully contribute, develop your gifts, and together advance Jesus' influence.
One of the best ways to grow in faith and connect with God's people is by serving together.
Ways to Serve and Connect
The best way to connect with Grace is simply to show up on Sunday mornings!
For further information on serving or getting connected, please email info@graceworcester.org
Small Groups
Through Bible studies, book clubs, and community groups, Christians deepen their knowledge of God, join together in prayer, strengthen relationships with each other, and grow in faith. For more information about the different groups at Grace, speak to one of our leaders on a Sunday or contact us regarding men and women’s bible studies, college and career ministry, and other small groups.
Sunday Worship
From the woman who greets you at the door, to the teenager running the soundboard, the grandmother helping with childcare, the college student teaching elementary kids, the musician at the piano or the person making coffee there are countless ways to be involved on Sunday mornings.
Kids & Youth
In addition to the opportunities to serve and teach our children on Sundays, we organize activities throughout the year where kids build relationships across the church and grow in faith. We draw on the different abilities and passions of God's people to serve our children and those in the neighborhood.
Children’s Programming During Sunday Worship
We provide meals, help people move, support those struggling financially, and befriend the lonely. We pray for the sick, counsel the distressed, welcome immigrants, and equip the people of God to represent their righteous and merciful savior. Join in the work of serving the church and our neighbors.
We want our friends, neighbors, coworkers, and families to hear the good news of Jesus Christ that promises peace in the midst of anxiety, hope in uncertainty, and love greater than our pain. Participate in the essential work of prayer through regular gatherings at Grace. Help us reach international students through hospitality and events, and neighborhood children through our after-school program.